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Is there actually a way to find Yukari in the game or is that future content?

The events of Yukari and Hiyori are secondary, there will be new content of those events for each update.


If you do plan on having mini games, could you be able to make them disable uption for those who don't want to play them or don't have the eye sight to play them? Just small advice. Most Devs who makes games on here don't think about the handicap who wants to play and because of that. They are missing out on more people trying out their games. Like me for example, I have really bad eye sight that I'm actually considered blind. I can't play games that have mini games or that doesn't have dark mode especially when some Devs use like white text on transparent background dialogue boxes.


About the part with white text on transparent background: In newer renpy games the accessibility options (hit shift a) might help you and for older games there's a bunch of mods around that allow you to make changes to the text. Here's an example (haven't tested it but seems to have a good number of options):


Mi calificación

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Agradezco tu calificación.

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 No me lo puedo creer, el dev me contesto es mi sueño hecho realidad :0